Gestão de Conhecimento: reflexões para mudanças na prática docente
Abstract: This paper presents an experience report from the course entitled "Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Teaching-Learning in Astronomy: Educators' Training", a Proposal for University Extension of the Federal University of Latin American Integration (Unila), and offered, to the public school network, by the Itaipu Technological Park (PTI) Astronomical Pole, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil. It aims to stimulate the management of knowledge in teaching-learning in Astronomy, through reflections for changes in teaching practices aiming at teaching with quality and autonomy. The results obtained in seven years demonstrate that the course supplies the lack in the training of teachers and the needs for the teaching of Sciences, through astronomy, a structuring content, based on the Curricular Guidelines for the first cycle schools of Elementary School ( 1st to 4th year) in the municipalities of the West region of Paraná; in the Curricular Guidelines of the State of Paraná for the second cycle of Elementary School (6th to 9th year), in the discipline of Sciences; and in the National Curricular Parameters for High School. Between 2010 and 2017, the course was taught to 58 classes, with professionals working in Basic Education, totaling 1,400 certified educators. In order for the training to not be purely content, multimedia, softwares, simulators, representations, videos, articles, didactic models, practical activities and new tools were introduced so that communication could take place in an interactive, dialogical, investigative, reflexive and humanist.could take place in an interactive, dialogical, investigative, reflexive and humanist.
Keywords: Knowledge. Practices. Reflection. Astronomy.
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